Uncovering the Mystery: Is it Possible to Get the Incoming Call Number in Ionic Capacitor?
Image by Iole - hkhazo.biz.id

Uncovering the Mystery: Is it Possible to Get the Incoming Call Number in Ionic Capacitor?

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As a developer, have you ever wondered if it’s possible to get the incoming call number in Ionic Capacitor? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Ionic Capacitor and explore the possibilities of retrieving the incoming call number. Buckle up, folks, and let’s get started!

What is Ionic Capacitor?

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let’s take a quick look at what Ionic Capacitor is. Ionic Capacitor is a cross-platform framework that allows developers to build hybrid mobile apps using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides a set of APIs and tools that enable developers to access native mobile functionality, including camera, GPS, and – you guessed it – phone calls!

The Quest for the Incoming Call Number

So, is it possible to get the incoming call number in Ionic Capacitor? The short answer is… it’s complicated. But don’t worry, we’ll break it down for you.

There are a few reasons why getting the incoming call number in Ionic Capacitor is a challenge:

  • Platform limitations**: Android and iOS have different policies and restrictions when it comes to accessing call logs and phone numbers.
  • Security concerns**: Allowing apps to access call logs and phone numbers raises security concerns, such as privacy and data protection.
  • Capacitor limitations**: Ionic Capacitor, being a cross-platform framework, has limitations when it comes to accessing native mobile functionality.

However, don’t give up hope just yet! We’ll explore some possible workarounds and solutions to help you achieve your goal.

Using the `CallLog` Plugin

One possible solution is to use the `CallLog` plugin, which is part of the Ionic Native ecosystem. This plugin provides access to the device’s call log, allowing you to retrieve information about incoming and outgoing calls.

npm install @ionic-native/call-log

Once you’ve installed the plugin, you can import it into your Ionic project and use the following code to retrieve the call log:

import { CallLog } from '@ionic-native/call-log/ngx';

 constructor(private callLog: CallLog) { }

 getCallLog() {
   this.callLog.getCallLog().then((log) => {
   }).catch((error) => {

The `getCallLog()` method returns an array of call log objects, each containing information about a specific call, including the phone number.

Limitations of the `CallLog` Plugin

While the `CallLog` plugin is a great solution, it does come with some limitations:

  • Android only**: The `CallLog` plugin only works on Android devices, which means you’ll need to find an alternative solution for iOS devices.
  • Permission requirements**: The plugin requires the `READ_CALL_LOG` permission, which can be a challenge to obtain, especially on newer Android devices.

Using a Custom Solution

If the `CallLog` plugin doesn’t meet your requirements, you can explore custom solutions that involve using platform-specific code to access the call log.

Android Solution

On Android, you can use the `TelephonyManager` class to access the call log and retrieve the incoming call number.

import { Android_permissions } from 'cordova-plugin-android-permissions';

 declare var AndroidPermissions: any;

 getIncomingCallNumber() {
   AndroidPermissions.checkPermission(AndroidPermissions.PERMISSION.READ_CALL_LOG).then((result) => {
     if (result.hasPermission) {
       const telephonyManager = (window).android.telephonyManager;
       const callLog = telephonyManager.getCallLog();
       const lastCall = callLog[callLog.length - 1];
       const incomingCallNumber = lastCall.phoneNumber;
     } else {
       console.error('Permission denied');

This code uses the `AndroidPermissions` plugin to check for the `READ_CALL_LOG` permission and then uses the `TelephonyManager` class to access the call log and retrieve the incoming call number.

iOS Solution

On iOS, you can use the `CoreTelephony` framework to access the call log and retrieve the incoming call number.

import { cordova } from 'cordova';

 declare var CDV: any;

 getIncomingCallNumber() {
   cordova.exec((result) => {
     const callLog = result;
     const lastCall = callLog[callLog.length - 1];
     const incomingCallNumber = lastCall.phoneNumber;
   }, (error) => {
   }, 'CoreTelephony', 'getCallLog', []);

This code uses the `cordova` object to execute a native plugin that accesses the `CoreTelephony` framework and retrieves the call log.


Getting the incoming call number in Ionic Capacitor is possible, but it requires some creativity and flexibility. Whether you use the `CallLog` plugin or a custom solution, it’s essential to consider the platform limitations and security concerns that come with accessing call logs and phone numbers.

By following this guide, you should be able to retrieve the incoming call number in your Ionic Capacitor app. Remember to test your code thoroughly and handle any errors that may occur.

Additional Resources

Happy coding, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance!

Plugin Platform Permission Required Code Example
CallLog Android READ_CALL_LOG getCallLog()
Custom Solution Android READ_CALL_LOG TelephonyManager.getCallLog()
Custom Solution iOS N/A CoreTelephony.getCallLog()

Note: The code examples provided are for illustration purposes only and may require modifications to work in your specific use case.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on getting incoming call numbers in Ionic Capacitor!

Is it possible to get the incoming call number in Ionic Capacitor?

Yes, it is possible to get the incoming call number in Ionic Capacitor, but it requires some additional setup and plugins. You can use the `CallLog` plugin to access the call log and retrieve the incoming call number.

Which plugin do I need to use to get the incoming call number?

You can use the `call-log` plugin, which provides access to the device’s call log, including incoming call numbers.

Do I need to add any permissions to my app to access the call log?

Yes, you need to add the `READ_CALL_LOG` permission to your app’s `AndroidManifest.xml` file to access the call log on Android devices.

How do I retrieve the incoming call number using the CallLog plugin?

You can use the `getCallLog` method of the `CallLog` plugin to retrieve the call log entries, and then iterate through the entries to find the incoming call number. You can filter the entries by call type (e.g., `INCOMING_TYPE`) to get only the incoming calls.

Are there any limitations or restrictions on accessing the call log on iOS devices?

Yes, on iOS devices, accessing the call log is restricted due to privacy concerns. The `CallLog` plugin may not work on iOS devices, and you may need to find alternative solutions or use other plugins that provide similar functionality.