Unraveling the Mystery of “that lost race” in x86 TSO Memory Model
Image by Iole - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery of “that lost race” in x86 TSO Memory Model

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Are you tired of feeling like you’re stuck in a never-ending loop, trying to understand the intricacies of the x86 TSO (Total Store Ordering) memory model? Well, buckle up, folks! Today, we’re going to dive deep into the fascinating world of shared memory and explore what happens when a store instruction gets lost in the pipeline, leaving you wondering, “What happens with the store ‘that lost race’ to shared memory in x86 TSO memory model?”

Understanding the x86 TSO Memory Model

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let’s take a step back and understand the basics of the x86 TSO memory model. TSO is a memory model used by x86 processors, which ensures that memory operations are executed in a specific order, guaranteeing consistency across multiple CPU cores. The TSO model is designed to simplify the programming model, making it easier to write correct and portable code.

Memory Ordering

In the x86 TSO memory model, memory operations are divided into three categories:

  • Store: Writing data to memory
  • Load: Reading data from memory
  • Fence: A special instruction that orders memory operations

The TSO memory model guarantees that memory operations are executed in the following order:

  1. Stores are executed in program order (i.e., the order in which they appear in the code)
  2. Loads are executed in program order, but may be reordered with respect to stores
  3. Fences are executed in program order, and ensure that all previous memory operations are complete before allowing subsequent operations to proceed

The Store “that lost race”

Now, let’s talk about the store instruction that got lost in the pipeline. Imagine a scenario where a thread executes a store instruction, but it gets stuck in the pipeline due to various reasons, such as:

  • Cache coherence protocols
  • Memory stalls
  • Interrupts

This store instruction is now “lost” in the pipeline, meaning it hasn’t been committed to memory yet. But what happens to the shared memory when this lost store instruction finally makes its way out of the pipeline?

What Happens to Shared Memory?

When the lost store instruction is finally executed, the TSO memory model ensures that the store operation is committed to memory in the correct order. Here’s what happens:

  1. The lost store instruction is executed, and the data is written to memory
  2. The memory operation is ordered with respect to previous stores, ensuring that the data is written in the correct order
  3. The TSO model ensures that the memory operation is observable by other threads, maintaining consistency across multiple CPU cores

But here’s the thing: the lost store instruction may overwrite previous values in shared memory, potentially causing unexpected behavior in other threads. This is where the concept of “happens-before” comes into play.

Happens-Before and Causality

The “happens-before” relationship is a fundamental concept in concurrency programming, which describes the ordering of events in a distributed system. In the context of the x86 TSO memory model, the happens-before relationship ensures that memory operations are executed in a way that maintains causality.

// Thread 1
x = 1;
y = 2;

// Thread 2
r1 = y;
r2 = x;

In this example, the happens-before relationship ensures that the write to `x` happens before the read of `x` in Thread 2. This means that the value of `r2` will always be 1, as expected.

Thread Operation Value
Thread 1 x = 1 x = 1
Thread 1 y = 2 y = 2
Thread 2 r1 = y r1 = 2
Thread 2 r2 = x r2 = 1

Now, let’s consider what happens when the lost store instruction is executed:

// Thread 1
x = 1;
y = 2;

// Lost store instruction
x = 3;

// Thread 2
r1 = y;
r2 = x;

In this scenario, the lost store instruction overwrites the previous value of `x` with the new value 3. However, the happens-before relationship ensures that the write to `x` happens before the read of `x` in Thread 2. Therefore, the value of `r2` will still be 3, maintaining consistency.


In conclusion, the x86 TSO memory model is designed to ensure consistency and correctness in multi-threaded programs. When a store instruction gets lost in the pipeline, the TSO model ensures that it is executed in the correct order, maintaining causality and consistency across multiple CPU cores. By understanding the happens-before relationship and the ordering of memory operations, developers can write correct and portable code that takes advantage of the x86 TSO memory model.

So the next time you find yourself stuck in a never-ending loop, wondering what happens with the store “that lost race” to shared memory in x86 TSO memory model, just remember: the TSO model has got your back!

Further Reading

For those who want to dive deeper into the world of x86 TSO memory model, I recommend checking out the following resources:

Happy coding, and remember to keep your stores in order!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of x86 TSO memory model and uncover the mysteries of “that lost race” store!

What happens to the store “that lost race” in the x86 TSO memory model?

When a store operation is considered “that lost race” in the x86 TSO memory model, it means that the store is not observed by any load operation. In other words, the store is not visible to any subsequent load operations, effectively making it disappear into thin air!

How does the x86 TSO memory model handle multiple stores to the same location?

In the x86 TSO memory model, when multiple stores are made to the same location, only the last store operation is visible to subsequent load operations. The previous stores are effectively overwritten, making “that lost race” store a thing of the past!

Can a load operation observe a store operation that “lost the race”?

No, a load operation can never observe a store operation that “lost the race”. The x86 TSO memory model ensures that load operations only observe the latest store operation to a location, effectively making “that lost race” store invisible to loads!

What are the implications of “that lost race” store on program correctness?

The implications of “that lost race” store on program correctness depend on the specific use case. In some cases, it might not affect correctness, but in others, it can lead to unexpected behavior or even bugs! It’s essential to understand the x86 TSO memory model to write correct and efficient concurrent programs.

How can I avoid “that lost race” store in my concurrent program?

To avoid “that lost race” store, use synchronization mechanisms like locks or atomic operations to ensure that store operations are properly ordered and visible to load operations. Additionally, consider using memory barriers or fence instructions to enforce ordering constraints and make your program more predictable!

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